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NYS Senate HDFC Bill Stricken

Senate HDFC Bill S6543

2017-2018 Legislative Session
A new HDFC bill spearheaded by HPD and The De Blasio administration that was intended to impose new restrictions and regulations on HDFC coops died today in the State Senate.
The bill was intended to amend the current NY State law (known as Article 11 of the Private Housing Finance Law or PHFL) that governs HDFC corporations and make changes that would permanently put HDFCs under the control of HPD.

HDFC coops were intended to be self-sufficient self-sustaining affordable housing corporations. Mayor Ed Koch proclaimed at a City Hall ceremony in 1981 to turn over deeds of Harlem buildings to the tenants so "the people, the tenants will control their own destiny.”
The bill was stricken in the state senate. Betty Little (R, C, IP) 45TH SENATE DISTRICT struck it. It's dead unless picked up and sponsored again by either a Senator or Assemblyperson.
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