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NYC's First Subway Expansion in Half a Century

The first subway expansion in half a century, the $2.1 billion project - funded by the City and managed by the MTA - will spur development on Manhattan's Far West Side. Two Machines Will Drill 7,100-Foot Tunnels from 11th Avenue and 25th Street to Times Square.

The Number 7 subway extension will introduce subway service to an emerging mixed-use community in Midtown West, fostering transit oriented development in one of Manhattan's most underserved and underdeveloped areas.

The subway will extend to Manhattan's Far West Side. The city's long-term investment in infrastructure will transform areas into neighborhoods full of residents, park-goers, office workers and shoppers.

The City created two local development corporations, the Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation (HYIC), which is contributing $2.1 billion to the project, and the Hudson Yards Development Corporation (HYDC), which oversees planning and development in the Hudson Yards on behalf of the City. In January of 2005, the City Council approved the Bloomberg Administration's plan for rezoning the Hudson Yards area.

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